Early Science with JWS
- Critical to the success of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission is the ability to bring the scientific community quickly up to speed on the instruments and scientific capabilities of the observatory. EWASS 2018, taking place on 3-6 April 2018, offers a perfect opportunity to inform the European community of the status of the JWST mission, and discuss the scientific programs that will define the first months of operations, including the Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO) and the Early Release Science (ERS) programs. Now that the ERS programs have been selected, EWASS 2018 will offer a timely forum to engage with the ERS teams, as well as encourage scientific discussion of future JWST plans.As part of the science meeting, EWASS 2018 will host the « Early Science with JWST » symposium S1 on 3-4 April 2018.
- The symposium will:
- Update the community on the status of the mission. This will come at a time when JWST is going through some of the last phases of its integration and testing and when the commissioning plans will be in an advanced state.
- Provide an opportunity for participants of successful ERS proposals to advertise their programs not only from the scientific point of view, but also with respect to what they have committed to make available to the community in addition to the raw data (data products, tools).
- Provide an opportunity for Guaranteed Time Observers (GTOs) to advertise their programs.
- Provide an opportunity for community members to present and discuss potential science with JWST.
- Highlight community outreach and public educational opportunities from the launch and first JWST science.