The JWST original concept was to have a daily 8-hour contact using X-band with an 8 Mbps downlink rate. 8 Mbps required an allocation of a 20 MHz X-band frequency. The NASA Spectrum office objected to provide more than the 10 MHz band in X-band range and suggested using Ka-band. JWST project decided to move to K-band and have one (1) 4-hour contact per day for communication and ranging. Furthermore, data will be transmitted to Earth in an uncompressed format.
It is foreseen that MIRI will observe 14% of the time during the first 650 days, which means 91 days of observations (8640000 sec.). In fast reading mode (slow mode will be used only in very special cases), the frame time is 2.7 sec for 4Mb per frame, which yield to 13 Tb. Considering side product data (including housekeeping) we estimate that 26 Tb of MIRI data will arrive to Earth during the first two years of the mission. MICE envisage therefore acquiring a 100 Tb disk for data archiving.
The main reason for archiving the MIRI data in MICE is for being able to reprocess them as the pipe line developed at STScI evolves. MICE envisages therefore using a hardware similar to that used by STScI. That is 32 to 54 Gb of RAM for running the pipeline, and a Linux Based Big multinode server array (quite a powerful machine but not a “super-computer”!).