Meetings and Conferences
Early Science with JWST

Early Science with JWST
- JWST Data Analysis and Calibration 5 novembre 2018 - workshop at STScI, Baltimore (MD), on November 5th, 2018 Informations
- JWST : Launch, Commissioning, and Cycle 1 Science 22 août 2018 - A science meeting to be held in Vienna, Austria, Aug. 20-22, 2018 during the IAU 2018 General Assembly
- American Astronomical Society 232nd Meeting 3 juin 2018 - It will be held at Denver (CO) June 3-7, 2018. There will be a JWST booth, and DD-ERS special sessions AAS 2018
- Early Science with JWS 1 avril 2018 - Critical to the success of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) mission is the ability to bring the scientific community quickly up to speed on the instruments and scientific capabilities of the observatory. EWASS 2018, taking place on 3-6 April 2018, offers a perfect opportunity to inform the European community of the status of the JWST mission, and discuss the scientific programs that will define the first months of operations, including the Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO) and the Early Release Science (ERS) programs. Now that the ERS programs have been selected, EWASS 2018 will offer a timely forum to engage with the ERS teams, as well as encourage scientific discussion of future JWST plans.As part of the science meeting, EWASS 2018 will host the « Early Science with JWST » symposium S1 on 3-4 April 2018.
- Science with Precision Astrometry 13 mars 2018 - Precision astrometry is providing many advances in our understanding of the physics of the local universe, which will expand as the HST time baseline increases, the Gaia DR2 catalog is released, JWST is launched and new ground-based facilities come on-line. This workshop will address the state of our current and near-future facilities, the techniques that are needed to achieve precision astrometry, science results and the future landscape.
- Social Media Q&A Session on Twitter 26 février 2018 - STScI held the first Q&A session on their JWST Observer Twitter account on Monday, February 26, 2018 to help the community prepare for the JWST Cycle 1 proposals. Another session will take place on Monday, March 5 at 3:00 pm (ET).
- JWST Data Analysis and Calibration 5 février 2018 - Workshop at STScI, Baltimore (MD)
- MIRI EC Science Team/Commissioning Meeting 13 septembre 2017 - Dublin 13-15 Sept 2017: details and presentations (only for EC members) Infos
- MIRI EC Science Team meeting Germany 31 janvier 2017 - Jan 31 – Feb 03, 2017, Heidelberg, Germany Infos
- MIRI EC Science Team meeting Belgium 12 octobre 2016 - oct 12-14 oct 2016, Leuven, Belgium Détails